Earlier today, organizers of the Honda Indy Toronto were joined by 2014 race winner Sebastien Bourdais to mark the start of the track build at Exhibition Place. Setup of the championship racetrack and grandstands begins this week with just over a month to go before the event.
Week of May 4 -- Block placement begins inside Exhibition Place grounds along Manitoba Drive (at night only); setup of grandstands and suite structures begins
Week of May 11 -- Block placement begins along Princes' Blvd (at night only); setup of suite structures continues
May 19 -- Grandstand setup continues; Honda spectator bridge is installed (located between BMO Field and Direct Energy Centre)
Week of May 25 -- Block placement begins along Lake Shore Blvd (at night only); setup of suites continues
Week of June 1 -- Block placement along Princes' Blvd (at night only) and suite setup continues
June 8 -- Race team and concessions load-in begins for event weekend
June 10 -- Lake Shore Blvd is closed and will re-open Sunday at midnight
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